Getting Involved
Parents are the most important people in their children’s lives and always will be, so we need your help to ensure that all the children progress and achieve success in reaching their potential. When children join our school in EYFS, we build on the foundations that have been laid and work in partnership with you to continue and develop this.
Once children have settled into their new learning environments, we hope parents will be able to stay and help from time to time. Parents, grandparents and other carers are always welcome to support with our Nature Learning Walks. You can also help in different ways - joining in activities, sharing books with children, helping them on the computer, baking, playing games, accompanying us on visits. The partnership between the family and our school staff is crucial to children’s happiness and development.
Here are some of the things you might like to become involved with:
PACT (Parents and Children Together)
There is much research to show how important reading stories is to young children and how it helps them to succeed in life. We provide a box full of books for our children and parents to borrow at any time. Your child will bring home a PACT book to record which books your child has chosen to share with you at home. You and your child can respond to the book in anyway you feel appropriate e.g. draw the main character, cook the recipe, build a vehicle, or something else. This book is a record of all the responses your children makes to the books they have shared with you. Your child will be invited to change their book at least once a week, but you are free to change it as often as you wish.
Learning Stories
Throughout the year we will write Learning Stories about your child that will give you a window into what they are learning and achieving whilst enjoying their learning at school. We will explain what that learning means in terms of the Early Years Curriculum and invite you to make a comment. Your comment may just be to respond to what your child is doing in the Learning Story or it might be about what has happened since the Learning Story took place, something that your child has done at home.