
Barons CourtPrimary School and Nursery

‘Bold, Ambitious, Resilient, Open, Nurturing, Successful learners’

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  • Barons Court Primary School
  • and Nursery,
  • Avenue Road, Westcliff-on-Sea,
  • Essex, SS0 7PJ
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At Barons Court, our year six pupils apply for prefect roles that they are specifically interested in and the roles that they feel they can make a difference to across the whole school, once appointed. A mentor is one of the prefect roles and as a mentor the children work both internally; supporting our school community, and externally; supporting people in our local area. 

The 2023-2024 Nursery Mentors are: Valentina,  Akaylah, Harry, Jacob, Regan and William.

The 2023-2024 Community Mentors are: Alice, Sofia, Renee, Matylda, Theo and Clayton. 

The 2023-2024 Academic Mentors are: Katerina, Oscar, Eve, Sarayu, Felix and Adam.

The mentors are very passionate about making a difference to many people in our community both inside and outside of the school gates. They engage with the nursery children and support reading in Phase 2 and Phase 3. The Nursery Mentors go into the Nursery twice a week to play with the children and to support them with learning new skills. They also  spend time exploring books with the children in Phase 2 and Phase 3 and supporting them with their use of phonics to read new words. 

The Community Mentors also recognise that we have so many great care homes in our local area who work very hard. They like to support the care homes across Westcliff and will be doing this by sending them video messages, stories, songs and activities this year. We are sure that the residents will really appreciate the thought and consideration and will enjoy  seeing the children regularly. The children will also be continuing to write to local residents in our area to let them know that we are thinking of them. 

We are very proud to be committed to make a difference to people around us. 




Community Mentors Update - Autumn Term 2023

Our Community Mentors have been aiming to meet twice a week this half term. We have continued to fact-find and research what needs to be in place in order to be in a position to safely invite Therapy Dogs into school and have further contacts we will be approaching after half term. We have set up links with Milton House Care Home and plan to make birthday cards, sing Christmas Carols and join the residents for a spot of reading and crafting in the next few weeks and months. We are also excited to be working with Southend United Football Club on their Senior Shrimpers Project; we will meet every Wednesday afternoon with Dan King from SUFC and will work hard to plan a Christmas Event for the SUFC Senior Shrimpers. Watch this space!


Our Year Six Barons Court Community Mentors and Fundraisers had an amazing time spreading Christmas cheer over Roots Hall with the Senior Shrimpers. There was much biscuit-decorating, carol-singing, wreath-making,  card-colouring, paper chain-making, snowflake-cutting, board game-playing, joke-telling, quiz-mastering fun had by all! Our Barons Court representatives put their own unique twist on a community event and came back to school beaming with joy. We are so proud of our pupils for putting in the effort to prepare and deliver such a fantastic Southend United  Senior Shrimpers Christmas Party. What a lovely way to give back to our community!


Community Mentors Update - Spring Term 2024

The Community Mentors have yet again been busy this term: They have worked hard to complete the initial research into a potential Therapy Dog for Barons Court. After speaking with three potential staff members and their dogs, the mentors decided that the best fit would be Zombie. His extensive experience with spending time with children in our Nursery and his gentle nature is what helped Zombie to pip other canine competitors to the post! The mentors took their initial research to the Trustees meeting and made a bid for £800, which will cover the cost of Mrs Mayson's training workshops, Zombie's temperament assessment and other additional requirements. The Community Mentors were pleased to find out that their bid has been successful and they are looking forward to moving onto the next steps. We are so proud of our mentors for working diligently to secure a place for another member of our school community! Well done, we look forward to welcoming Zombie Mayson to our school family!

Nursery Mentors Update - Autumn Term 2023

The Nursery Mentors have had an excellent start to their important role this half-term. They have been showing our BARONS core value of Responsibility by getting to know the new starters in Phase 1 as well as looking after them and collaborating through play. The Nursery Mentors have also been assigned the very important role of Makaton Mentors. This means that they have and will be learning signs to use with the children in nursery to help improve their communication and language. The mentors have learnt a few basic signs and each week we will be learning more. Once they have learnt one level of Makaton signs confidently they will receive a certificate. Thanks for all of your help, mentors! 


The mentors have thoroughly enjoyed their time in Nursery throughout the Autumn Term, supporting the children in their interactions with one another and generally having a fantastic time with them! The mentors have been very diligent and consistent when coming into nursery and have been great help to the staff in there. They are continuing in their Makaton journey, learning key signs and helping to sign songs. The mentors have learnt the signs for 'sleep' and 'monster' !  Well done, and thank you!


Nursery Mentors Update - Spring Term 2024

Our Nursery Mentors have continued doing an excellent job at learning and teaching Makaton to the younger children. They have been working diligently with the Nursery children on their new topic, 'People Who Help Us' and have impressed the children and staff with their quick acquisition of the words and signs for '5 Little Fireman'. The Nursery Mentors also continue to be good role models for the children - showing good table manners during snack time and helping the children pour drinks sensibly, encouraging kind and caring behaviour in the garden as well as reading stories and playing games. They truly are wonderful!

At Barons Court we also have mentors for our staff and Mrs Jones has her own mentors. Francis, Eloise, Christian and Archie  are responsible for counting the house points so that these can be celebrated in assembly each week along with handing out attendance prizes, golden leaves, birthday cards and certificates - which we know all of the children enjoy receiving. At Barons Court we are all encouraged to help one another and this is an important role within the school, supporting both the Headteacher and the children on a weekly basis. 

Academic Mentors - Autumn Term 2023

The academic mentors have had a wonderful start and have been embracing their new roles. The children have met and arranged times with the staff in Phase 3 to support the younger children with their reading. In addition to this, we aim to meet once a fortnight to develop their skills and strategies for reading with the children in Phase 3 so that they can aid the children in this important life skill.

The children are loving their role:

Katerina - "I love being an academic mentor. It is so much fun to see all of the younger children learning to read and seeing how they are developing their skills. Once, I was reading with a Year 2 friend and I was so surprised at how well they read - they really knew how to pronounce some of the really tricky words!"

Shahir - "It is awesome being an academic mentor because I love reading. Reading with the children and teaching them their times tables is so enjoyable for me."

Felix - "I love being an academic mentor as it is fun and I get to socialise with the Phase 3 children - they are becoming very good readers!"
