
Barons CourtPrimary School and Nursery

‘Bold, Ambitious, Resilient, Open, Nurturing, Successful learners’

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  • and Nursery,
  • Avenue Road, Westcliff-on-Sea,
  • Essex, SS0 7PJ
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Sports Captains

This year the sports captains represent our four houses - Oak, Spruce, Hawthorn and Rowan, with one captain being responsible for each house.  

They are busy finalising our house tournaments for the year and planning the events for the rest of the year.

This half term our Sports Captains have been working on setting up and overseeing the new timetable in the MUGA at break times. We have created a timetable to encourage different sports to be accessible at break-time. We have also created our new Sports Performer certificate and we are working with staff members to select a winner each week in celebration assembly. We worked together to create a new certificate for the year to celebrate their achievements!

Next half term, we are going to be working on setting up inter house competitions - using our PE lessons as a springboard. We want to link these competitions to house points to help children represent their house in different sports each half term! We can't wait to share our ideas with you.

Our Sports Performer Certificate - Who will achieve this each week?

The Sports Captains have continued to work with staff to choose and celebrate a 'Sports Performer' every week. They are working with Mrs Spence in order to finalise interhouse competitions that they hope to start towards the end of this half term and help each house gain as many house points as they can. Over the last half term, the Sports Captains have continued to support children at break times and lunch times by setting up the playground and leading games (especially in the MUGA)  - they are helping children show good sportsmanship during these times. They've also supported teachers by looking after the sports equipment and hope to support the younger years PE lessons during the Summer Term.

Sports Captains - Spring Term Update 2024

The Sports Captains have been working more independently this term - they are continuing to work with staff to choose a sports performer to celebrate in assemblies. In addition, they have continued to monitor games on the playground supporting them to follow the rules and set up the games properly. They have begun to support other pupils in PE lessons in Phase 4 and will be taking small groups next term. They are hoping to be able to give this support to the other phases going forward! They are also looking forward to helping Mrs Spence with Sports Day preparations  - testing each station and teaching the other phases to ensue it will be a smooth day for all involved!
